Saturday, July 19, 2014

Busy Bee

     I woke up early in the morning with a drive to be productive. I was itching to get things done, and that is exactly what I was going to do. I grabbed my axe and headed out into the woods. The forest would look like a plain when I was done with it. Around midday I broke through the other side of the trees and a giant sand temple was standing there in front of me. I quickly ran over and ransacked the place. I ended up with several stacks of logs, three diamonds, some gold, and a lot of flesh and bones. 
     What am I going to do with all that wood you ask? Well, I'm going to need a storage room for all the wealth I plan to procure, and a skimpy chest room is not for me. Roughly 120 chests is more like it. My hands were blistered after all the tree chopping and chest crafting, but the outcome was much to my liking. I plan to place item frames on the front of all the chests, but that requires a lot of cow hides, something I lack.
     The first level of my base now has its completed shape. It is a nice sized room that will definitely serve me well. The wheat farm is only temporary. It is not nearly big enough for my liking and will require its own level when I have better tools to clear out massive areas. 
     Nowhere near complete, but I added a wall of furnaces to improve my smelting times. It isn't very pretty, but I'm not worried about looks at this point. Functionality first, aesthetics later. None of my buildings will stay ugly, but I'll have to put up with it in the meantime.
     Staying close to the surface is nice and safe and all, but riches reside deep within the earth. Using the wood I collected earlier, I extended my ladder downwards. Extended might not be the right word though, for I delved deep within the earth. I went down to where I was only a block above where the lava pools are and hewed a room out of the stone. I then began to branch off in long tunnels looking for valuable ores and minerals. Towards the end of one of my tunnels I hit a ravine, and the sight was breathtaking. So much lava and water mixing together in a world of color. This is where I would find riches.
     Sure enough, while exploring one of the many caves that scarred the ravine I hit diamonds. Four beautiful blue rocks now safely in my bag. After snagging the pretty rocks I headed back up to my main base because it would be a shame to die with such valuables in my pack.
      On the way back up I found a sight that made me do a double take. Three flowers growing happily down in the bowels of the earth. What a strange world the world of Minecraft is.
     I stowed my diamonds in one of my many chests and then headed to bed. It was a long and productive day, and I still had a few goals left in mind for the morning. I slept well, and woke ready to work again. I harvested the wheat from my modest farm and headed outside. I found a group of cows walking around and lured them close to my home with the wheat. After I had them all in one spot I fenced them in and let the events of nature take over. 
     The moon was rising and the cows were nodding off. Babies cuddled up next to their mothers and were soon asleep. It had been a long couple of days in the world of Minecraft, but the progress I made was worth it. Within a few days I should have leather and meat a plenty, and that opens up many more opportunities. As for now, it is time for a rest. Stay tuned for next time! Who knows what the future has in store?